Adoptees Connect - a new, growing movement offering peer support for adoptees
Adoptee Rights Campaign - promotes awareness of and advocacy for intercountry adoptee issues, including the Adoptee Citizenship Act.
Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture (ASAC) - publishes the journal Adoption & Culture and sponsors a biennial conference in collaboration with The Adoption Initiative, a program of St. John's University
American Academy of Adoption and Reproductive Attorneys - read the new resolutions on adult adoptee records access and migrant children separations.
Annie E. Casey Foundation - advances child welfare, juvenile justice, and research and policy at the state and federal level.
Camp to Belong - dedicated to reuniting brothers and sisters who have become separated due to foster care.
Center for Bioethics and Culture - The CBC exists to educate and inform members of the general public, thought leaders, lawmakers, and others on ethical issues in healthcare, biomedical research, and biotechnological advancement.
Child Welfare League of America - the nation's oldest child welfare organization.
Concerned United Birth Parents - support and advocacy for birth/first parents.
Dave Thomas Foundation - promotes adoption of children in foster care.
Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute - website remains active, though the organization has closed.
National Association of Adoptees and Parents (NAAP) - Unifies the adoption community and elevates our diverse voices, by promoting dialogue, understanding, and healing through education, awareness, and connection.
National Center on Adoption and Permanency (NCAP) - thought leaders and experts on adoption policy and practice.
North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) - provides resources and advocacy for adoptive families and foster parents
Right to Know - sponsors the Untangling Our Roots Summit; advocates for access to genetic heritage for NPE/MPE, adoptees, and donor conceived persons.
Saving Our Sisters - offers support and alternatives to relinquishment for mothers.
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