Featured Must-Read
Ron Nydam, PhD has launched a new book for adoptive parents, but written from a perspective that outlines essential values necessary to affirm adoptees and birth/first parents. Nydam's first book, Adoptees Come of Age, has been described by some adoptees as a life-changing work they refer to over and over. The new title, Wise Adoptive Parenting: When Kids Struggle to Adopt Their Parents, takes a broader view that serves to validate the varied challenges encountered from each viewpoint.
The list of blogs written by people "touched" by adoption, and foster care and assisted reproduction is substantial. Here are a few that are widely recognized as exceptional:
The following links provide comprehensive lists of books that are both in and out of print. Special recognition and appreciation goes to William Gage, who devoted much time and energy to creating his Readers' Guide.
Journals, Research and Statistics
A growing body of research from various perspectives continues to shape discourse, policy and practice.
Adoption & Culture (Journal of the ASAC)
Adoption & Fostering (Journal)
Adoption History Project (University of Oregon)
Adoption Trends, Topics, Outcomes (Sage Journals)
Birth Parent Portrayals in Children's Adoption Literature
Child Attachment at Adoption and Three Months
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute
Journal of Mother Studies
NCAP: National Center on Adoption and Permanency
Surrender and Subordination: Birth Mothers and Adoption Law Reform