Get Your Records

Original Birth Certificates
CDPHE Vital Records has processed over 4775 requests for OBCs since 2009, including more than 2500 since January 1, 2016. There is a processing fee of $40.00. A copy of an amended birth certificate is $20.00, and expedited processing is available for an additional $20.00. Eligible parties include the adult adoptee, certain birth and adoptive family members, and certain other relatives with the adoptee's notarized written consent or if the adoptee is deceased. Adult siblings who were residents of the State Home and were separated by adoption also have the right to obtain a non-certified copy of the amended birth certificate of the sought sibling. In some cases, additional records in the file may be available. In a few cases, files have not been located.

Court Records
Adoption records are defined in section 19-1-103(6.5), C.R.S. Relinquishment records available only to birth parents are defined in section 19-5-109, C.R.S. Eligible parties should file Form JDF 532, and are not required to submit Form JDF 533 (Order for Good Cause). Former State Home residents seeking records and/or information about adult siblings or half siblings should use Form JDF 534. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully.

State & County Adoptions and Closed LCPAS
If your adoption was handled by the state or a county, or the Licensed Child Placement Agency (LCPA) that handled your adoption has closed, contact Michelle Lopez at CDHS for free digitized access to encrypted adoption records as defined by law. michelle.lopez2@state.co.us (303)866-3209.