ASRC Board of Directors
The ASRC Board welcomes inquiries from passionate, skilled, highly ethical volunteers who align with the organization's mission and values. Board members serve a staggered two-year term, which may be renewed. It is recommended that applicants be in a reasonably settled place in terms of search, reunion and processing adoption-related issues.
Brent Edwards connected with his birth family over 20 years ago, and learned that after he was relinquished his original parents went on to marry and create more siblings. He is happy to serve and give back to this organization which has given him so much support and encouragement. A former firefighter, Brent enjoys Colorado's outdoor lifestyle and works in the property management industry.
Holly Janson has recently found and reunited with both of her biological parents and many other family members including half sisters from both sides. Holly graduated with a bachelors degree from Colorado State University where she majored in writing and worked as a DJ. She has since been in the media industry for the last 10 years at companies like High Noon Entertainment, Comedy Works Entertainment and NBC Universal. She currently lives in downtown Denver with her boyfriend and works as an editor at Crosspoint. In 2019 she also started her own production company, Casper Black Media. Holly is eager to support others, share her experiences, and pay it forward by helping fellow adult adoptees in their discoveries, searches, and reunions.
Shayne Madsen, J.D. is the Director of the Political Law Center at the Independence Institute. She most recently led the Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs Practice Group in the Denver office of Jackson Kelley, PLLC. Shayne has represented clients before the Colorado Legislature and before various local governments for over twenty years. Her pro bono representation of Adoptees in Search (now Adoption Search Resource Connection) has been instrumental in the passage of multiple bills benefiting adult adoptees, birth parents, and foster youth since 2014. Ms. Madsen is a graduate of the University of Colorado (Bachelor of Arts) and Washington University (Juris Doctor).
Vanessa Rutledge hails from Georgia, but is happily settled in Colorado. She works in I.T. and relinquished her daughter in what has proven to be a successful open adoption for over 20 years. Vanessa is excited to bring her skills, experience and support to the ASRC community!
Rich Uhrlaub, M.Ed. has been dedicated to support and effective advocacy for the interests of adults impacted by relinquishment and adoption for over 20 years and currently serves as ASRC President. Relinquished and adopted at three weeks old, Rich located and connected with his family of origin in 1995. Rich has testified before legislative committees and presented and facilitated at various conferences nationwide. He has been interviewed for local and national radio, television and newspaper stories. Rich is a contributing author to Finding Our Place: 100 Memorable Adoptees, Fostered Persons and Orphanage Alumni (2010), and Adoption and Mothering (2012). His professional background includes leading the Learning Solutions Team and Management Competencies Program for an international technology firm; telecommunications and digital marketing sales; and medical-legal claims and risk management in the private and public sectors.